
Visitors can win free trip to Australia

時間:2010-09-06 14:01   來源:SRC-5677

Visitors can win a free seven-day trip to Southern Australia by just logging in to the Australia Pavilion’s official Website and participating in a draw.

The registration for the raffle will take place online from September 4 to October 4. All visitors need to do is name the floral emblem of South Australia. Entries must be submitted through the Australian Pavilion Website: www.australianpavilion.com.

The lucky winner will be selected randomly in the middle of October from the participants who submitted the right answers, and win a “week-long family holiday for up to three people to Southern Australia.”

Lyndall Sachs, commissioner general of the Australia Pavilion, said she hoped visitors could learn about Australia not only through the pavilion but also its organised activities to deepen mutual understanding between China and Australia.




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