
Visitor volume rises again

時(shí)間:2010-09-06 14:02   來源:SRC-5677

It was fine yesterday and visitor volume rose. By 7pm, 364,000 visitors crowded the Expo Site.

Among yesterday's visitors, 89,300 were group tourists and 37,800 used free tickets the Shanghai government distributed to local residents.

Yesterday, 58,580 tickets were sold on site, with 21,387 night admissions.

As of 6pm, the gate at Houtan had received 70,000 visitors, compared to 56,000 at Shangnan Road, 65,000 via Changqing Road and 45,000 through Gaoke Road W. The transportation system carried 707,800 visitors.

By 5pm, 72 shows were staged within the site, attracting 52,300 spectators. Some 7,194 volunteers served on the site.

By 4pm, five medical stations in the site had received 290 visitors, of whom 27 were externally injured and 21 got mild sunstroke.

According to the Expo Bureau's Ticketing Centre, some 65,000 group visitors will visit today. The Expo Organizers advised the visitors to go to the Expo Site soon to avoid crowded days before the closing of the event.




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