Promotion of Peaceful National Reunification(CCPPR)
來源:中國和平統(tǒng)一促進會      日期:2008-04-03 14:59


  In 1988,thanks to the advocacy of Comrade Deng Xiaoping and the sponsorship of Chinese democratic parties and civil organizations,the China Council for the Promotion of Peaceful National Reunification(CCPPR)was founded,in an attempt to break through the situation,in which China’s mainland and Tai-wan were sealed off from each other for a long time,and develop cross-Straits relations.

  The CCPPR is a national,non-profit organization with independent corporation status,composed of people from all walks of life who share a common and collective goal:national reunification of China.

  The CCPPR’s philosophy:holding high the flag of patriotism to unite in cause all Chinese people across the world who support a peaceful national reunification,a civil exchange of communications across the Taiwan Straits and a concerted opposition to separatist movements,such as the so-called"Taiwan Independence,""Two Chinas"and"One China,One Taiwan."

  The CCPPR’s Primary Missions:On China’s mainland, within the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region,the Macao Special Administrative Region,and Taiwan,CCPPR will mobilize and nurture broadbased cooperation among individuals and organizations in exploring an approach for a peaceful national reunification and fighting against separatist movements,such as the so-called"Taiwan Independence,""Two Chinas"and"One China, One Taiwan."CCPPR will promote constructive communications by and between individuals and organizations in business,trade, culture,education,science,technology,academia,journalism, publishing,sports,the arts and tourism.CCPPR will cultivate and foster broader understanding and greater friendship between Chi nese on the two sides across the Taiwan Straits.CCPPR will enhance communications with organizations similarly promoting a peaceful national reunification within the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region,the Macao Special Administrative Region, Taiwan and foreign countries to give full play to their roles in the cause of national reunification.CCPPR will promote a greater grasp of the reunification issue within government and among the general public at home and abroad by executing a comprehensive awareness program,primarily centered upon the publication of  Reunification Forum magazine.

編輯: 齊曉靖    
  友情鏈接 外交部 中共中央統(tǒng)戰(zhàn)部 國務院臺辦 國務院僑辦 國務院港澳辦 中國和平統(tǒng)一促進會 中國僑網(wǎng) 中國海外交流協(xié)會 中國僑聯(lián) 中華海外聯(lián)誼會
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