
ECFA to help economy in Taiwan

時(shí)間:2010-07-12 13:35   來源:SRC-7437

The Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement signed last month, was a hot topic at the just concluded Cross-Strait Economic Trade and Cultural Forum in guangzhou.

The ECFA is a special arrangement, for economic cooperation between the mainland and Taiwan, which will help boost both economies. After signing the agreement, more cooperation in trade and investment will be developed. As told by the vice Chairman of Kuomintang Party, Chiang Hsiao-yen (xioa), the ECFA is important to the development of Taiwan's economy.

Chiang Hsiao-Yen, Vice Chairman, Kuomintang Party, said, "We will overcome any difficulties ahead of us to successfully implement the ECFA. It will exert a positive influence on Taiwan's economy."




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