
Shanghai World Expo facilitates further engagement between countries: Australian Governor-General

時間:2010-10-29 15:35   來源:SRC-174

CANBERRA, Oct. 29 (Xinhua) -- The Shanghai World Expo is due to conclude by the end of October in China. Australian Governor- General Ms. Quentin Bryce AC told Xinhua on Friday she believes the Expo played an important part in facilitating further engagement between countries.

In an interview with Xinhua, Ms. Bryce said multi-faceted engagement between countries consolidates achievements already shared, deepens understandings of one another and broadens and diversifies future prospects. The Shanghai World Expo played an important part in facilitating this further engagement, and she believes that people will see its benefits emerge over the coming years.

Ms. Bryce said Shanghai is an impressive world city with a unique and demonstrable vision, style and sense of itself. Equally, Shanghai is a global participant, a meeting place of nations, and a leader in many aspects of 21st century innovation.

"I believe that the Shanghai World Expo superbly illuminated the city's defining qualities while enabling each of the exhibiting nations to convey a clear message of their own place in the world and their relationship with Shanghai and China."

In June this year, the Governor-General traveled to China to officially launch the Australian National Day of June 8th in the Expo. Her trip was joined by the "Sisters" - a group of distinguished Australian and Chinese women who are the focus of a documentary featured at the Australian Pavilion at the World Expo in Shanghai.

"It is pleasing to know that eight million people visited the Australian pavilion during Expo and we trust that they learned more about our country and its significant offerings across a vast range of sectors and activities including trade and investment, education, research, culture and the arts," she said.

"The ongoing exchanges that occur between individuals, organizations, and governments are vital to the longevity and success of our bilateral and people-to-people links." Ms. Bryce said.

During her stay in China, Ms. Bryce also met with China's Vice- President Xi Jinping in Beijing. She told Xinhua "I was most grateful for the thoughtful hospitality extended to me by Vice- President Xi Jinping and senior members of the Chinese government and administration when I visited Beijing. I found the discussions informative and interesting, and an important part of continuing to build on the productive and rewarding bilateral relationship that Australia and China enjoy."

She said she was delighted to be able to reciprocate when the Vice-President visited Australia soon after her return home.




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