Backgrounder more>>
·Backgrounder: Copenhagen summit aims to renew joint actions in fighting climate change
·Backgrounder: Three major stances in Copenhagen climate change negotiations
·Copenhagen - Host city of UN Climate Change Conference
·Backgrounder: Common but Differentiated Responsibilities for UNFCCC
·Backgrounder: Copenhagen -- A Bike City
·Backgrounder: UN Framework Convention on Climate Change
·Backgrounder: Kyoto Protocol
·Backgrounder: Behind the target of "two degrees celsius" and "50%"
China hopes Copenhagen conference achieves best outcome: premier
  Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao said here Thursday China hoped the ongoing climate change conference would achieve the best outcome. In a meeting with Danish Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen in the morning, Wen said he appreciated the efforts ...
·China opposes int'l monitoring of voluntary mitigation, calls for document
·Chinese premier: Financial support a benchmark for Copenhagen success
·Quotable quotes from Chinese premier at Copenhagen conference
  News Update more>>
·China opposes int'l monitoring of voluntary mitigation, calls for document
·Chinese premier: Financial support a benchmark for Copenhagen success
·Quotable quotes from Chinese premier at Copenhagen conference
·Highlights of Chinese Premier's tour in Copenhagen
·China hopes Copenhagen conference achieves best outcome: premier
·Chinese premier stresses need to stay on dual-track approach in climate talks
·China could consider 2-degree-temperature-rise as long-term goal: premier
·Chinese, Brazilian leaders discuss climate change cooperation
  Comments more>>
·Developing nations' right of development deserves due respect on climate issue
·Copenhagen Accord marks new starting point for global fight against climate change
·China stands as constructive player in Copenhagen
·China plays key role making Copenhagen talks successful
·Developing nations' right of development deserves due respect on climate issue
·Norwegian researcher: Criticizing China over Copenhagen meeting unfair
·Copenhagen Accord a clear goal but not enough: IEA
·Global climate cooperation at new starting line from Copenhagen Accord: experts
  China's Policy more>>
China undertaking low-carbon development: official
Wen to leave for Oslo as summit heats up
Chinese ambassador to Belgium reiterates China's stance on climate change
  World's Efforts more>>
High-level segment of Copenhagen conference opens
German chancellor feels nervous about Copenhagen
U.S. doesn't plan to sign arms control treaty with Russia this week
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UN calls for action against climate change
China, U.S. sign MOU on energy, climate change, environment co-ope
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Environmental-friendly features highlight Copenhagen summit
No place to live: Melting world threatening polar bears
Artistic works in Copenhagen call for actions on climate change
UN climate conference faces four obstacles: Chinese official
World is melting: Climate Change Conference opens