
CPC Emblem and Flag

時(shí)間:2011-05-17 16:08   來(lái)源:SRC-6694

The emblem of the Communist Party of China is a design of sickle and hammer.

  The flag of the Communist Party of China is a red flag highlighted by a golden Party emblem on it.

The Party emblem and flag are the symbol and sign of the Communist Party of China. Party organizations at all levels and all Party members shall safeguard the sanctity of the Party emblem and flag. Party emblems and flags should be made and used according to regulations.




滨州市| 台东市| 伊金霍洛旗| 乐平市| 长汀县| 临澧县| 内丘县| 桑日县| 西乡县| 温宿县| 梁平县| 南靖县| 芦山县| 马边| 康平县| 建水县| 邵武市| 广灵县| 江华| 棋牌| 怀安县| 泗洪县| 肇源县| 封开县| 孟连| 大关县| 逊克县| 茶陵县| 融水| 香河县| 遵化市| 应用必备| 探索| 东安县| 亳州市| 平遥县| 东安县| 宜都市| 上饶县| 义马市|